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having been done 和 done 作状语时的区别


Asked / Having been asked to stay, I couldn’t very well leave. 我被邀请留下,遂不便离开。

但是注意,虽然两者都表示被动和完成,但 having been done 还强调完成,但 done 则并不一定强调完成。如下面的句子并不强调完成,所以不宜用完成式:

Wounded in action, he was twice mentioned in dispatches. 因为在作战中受伤,他曾两次在战报中受到表扬。

Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote. 选举结果令他们很震惊,他们现在要对选举的可信性提出质疑。
